Yesterday the Cyber Security Weekly Podcast interviewed MailGuard’s Chief Technical Officer, Bill Rue, about the growing problem of brandjacking email scams.
In this interview, Bill talks about the ways to recognise these scam messages and the serious threat they can pose to businesses as well as individual victims.
Please click on the player link below to listen to the interview:
To steal our data, all cybercriminals need to do is get us to click on a link. Scammers are always looking for new ways to deceive us into falling for their tricks and one that has become extremely common in recent years is brandjacking.
The typical brandjacking scam works like this; criminals create email templates that look like messages from big companies and when they show up in victim’s inboxes they feel safe opening them because the logos and sender names look legitimate. Some common brandjacking scam formats are fake bill notifications from utility companies or requests for account verification from banks and credit cards.
If you would like to learn more about brandjacking scams, read MailGuard CEO Craig McDonald’s article; Brandjacking scams: data theft and malware hiding in plain sight.
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