While the benefits of cloud computing - cost savings, agility, mobility, and operational advantage – are compelling, data security is always cited as the #1 concern.
Now there is reason to believe that the early adoption phase is well and truly over. New figures show that 82% of companies are using multiple cloud services. That percentage seems to support the idea that CIOs are increasingly more confident about security. And 2010 was the turning point when the concept of hosting propriety information within the Cloud became less of an issue of trust.
Parallels can be drawn with a number of technological trends that caused similar anxieties. You only have to consider earlier reservations about online banking and online shopping. Today, more than 7 out of ten of us trust online purchasing of goods and services.
There is no reason why confidence around Cloud applications should not head in the same direction.
Just as security is a top concern when moving to the Cloud, it should also be one of the primary goals. The security offered by a cloud provider could well be higher than the level achieved in-house. Maintaining data within the four walls of your organisation is no longer the most effective – or most secure – way to safeguard your confidential information.
Cloud providers have stronger operational systems than many organisations. Typically they feature a wealth of resources and expertise to protect your data. For example, here at MailGuard, we are supported by a multi-million dollar infrastructure and significant investment into research, development and system enhancements every year.
As threats facing organisations multiply every day and the amount of data continues to explode, organisations using the Cloud can tap into the advantages and speed offered, rather than attempting to tackle the problems in-house.
Allowing a cloud provider to take on responsibility for your data security can then be a good thing – the security of your data within the Cloud is likely to be even more stringent than at a local level.
Cloud security is now less of a concern. The biggest question may now be which Cloud provider you should choose.
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