In Part 2 of this blog series, we touched on the topics of malware variants and what level of support is needed from your email security provider to keep zero-day spam and phishing scams at bay. For the third installment, we explored why the current cyber threat environment necessitates a multi-layered security alert system – the only true antivirus solution.
For the fourth and final installment in this series, we address the final question you should ask yourself about your current email security provider:
Is your current vendor distracted with other competing priorities?
Perhaps your email security provider’s business is in a constant state of flux, with continual staff movements and new acquisitions. Maybe your provider has too many rivalling facets of their business, creating a disjointed environment that negatively affects their ability to offer efficient customer support.
As the old logic goes, too many priorities ultimately means there are no priorities.
When a business has too many internal distractions draining company resources, the result is typically frustrated customers who get passed around without getting the answers they need. Few email security providers who go for every “next” growth opportunity within the marketplace also find themselves in a coherent business environment – one that is capable of sound operations and streamlined customer services.
When an email security provider is pulled in too many directions, unable to address your security needs in real time, your business is at risk of a malicious attack.
When you partner with a cloud email security provider that has focused priorities, you are assured they are squarely centered on the services they specialise in. They are not stretched thin and vying for too many disparate markets. They are placing importance on the capabilities that matter to both their own sustainable business development and deliver solutions to their customers.
To avoid suffering at the hands of a company focused more on growth than protecting your business, partner with a cloud email security provider that only focuses on email and web security and disaster recovery.
Before you renew the contract with your current email security provider, consider if your vendor is doing everything possible to protect your business.
Ready to learn more about partnering with the right cloud email security provider to shield your business from cyber threats? Call +61 3 9694 4444 or email or call us to speak directly with a knowledgeable expert at MailGuard.
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