Email filtering is the process by which email is sorted by specific criteria. In the case of email spam filtering, it means filtering out the unsolicited and unwanted emails which clog up your inbox and email server. With the vast number of emails sent and received on a daily basis, email filtering has become vital for processing incoming and outgoing emails in accordance with anti-spam techniques.
Why do you need spam filtering?
Spam can cause numerous problems to both your PC and productivity. Here are just a few issues that may arise from spam:
Spam Is A Malware Carrier
Malware is used to describe malicious software - software that can be used to inhibit the regular functionality of your computer, gain sensitive information, or enable access to your computer system or network. This is possibly the most important reason your business requires spam filtering. Spam can be incredibly dangerous to you and your employee’s computers. Did you know there is even spam that can override your computer and begin sending scam and phishing emails from your account? In extreme cases, if one of these spam emails infects your computer, your internet provider may terminate your internet account if it is detected from a spam source.
Spam Costs Your Business Money
Receiving spam adds to the amount of emails you receive on a daily, weekly and annual basis. The more emails you receive, the more space is required on your servers to account for the increased email demand. This increases operational expenses as your ISP will require a larger server to carry your information.
Spam Reduces Productivity And Wastes Time
Going through your daily emails takes up enough time without having to read and delete spam! As an alternate solution, you might be using your IT team to monitor spam. Of course, this reduces their productivity, as well as adding additional operational and labour expenses to your business.
Spam Is Annoying And Can Be Offensive
As a final reason to filter spam from your emails, receiving illegitimate emails is really annoying. You have enough to get through on a daily basis without having to deal with spam as well. Plus, spam can be offensive in nature and can be distasteful. Your best protection is to ensure you have the very best spam filtering in place.
Why you should use cloud-based spam filtering?
Let us take a closer look at why cloud-based spam filtering is a better option than on-site applications.
The main reason cloud-based spam filtering is superior to on-site applications is that cloud-based filtering is a much more cost effective option for your business. There are no expensive integration costs or complexities associated with on premise solutions. In addition to helping you save money, other benefits of cloud-based spam filtering include:
Low Cost Of Ownership
Cloud Security solutions such as MailGuard, require no additional onsite hardware infrastructure or software licenses. In addition, no technology is required to maintain the spam filtering. Total cost of ownership is estimated at five to ten times less than the traditional on-site application-hosting model.
Remove Threats Before They Enter Your Network
Spam threats are identified and removed before entering your network. As cloud-based services work in real-time, your email will be constantly monitored, safeguarding your system from slow system performance, reduced employee productivity, and other business disruptions caused by spam.
Setup Spam Filtering Quickly
Unlike traditional on-site applications that may take weeks or months to set up, cloud-based spam filtering is quick to set up. In fact, you can have a full spam filter set up in just hours, ensuring your business is kept safer, faster.
Always Up To Date
With on-site spam filtering, you carry the responsibility of ensuring regular updates are completed to provide you with the most up to date spam definitions. Unlike this, updates to cloud-based spam filtering are completed by the vendor (for example, MailGuard), ensuring you can continue on with your daily business, without having to worry about being protected from the latest spam attacks.
Choosing the right cloud-based service provider
With cloud-based services becoming more popular, there are many different service providers available to choose from. It is important that you choose a service provider with the correct compliance, and preferably one that has a solid track record and can guarantee results.
MailGuard’s statistical, heuristic pattern based spam analysis captures over 99.997% of spam. In addition, MailGuard boasts a 100% false virus capture rate, giving you complete confidence that our service will effectively manage your incoming spam and virus detection.
MailGuard is governed by strict Service Level Agreements (SLAs) which guarantees 100% email delivery and service uptime, and offer rebates if the service falls below 100%. If you are looking for the most effective and cost-efficient spam filtering solution, find out more about MailGuard Email Security, or Contact Us to find out more.
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