Daniel McShanag 24 September 2018 13:14:25 AEST 2 MIN READ

Bogus invoice delivers malware, mimicks MYOB software

A batch of malicious emails is arriving in inboxes today. They are fraudulent invoices sent from a brandjacked UK based business, and are impersonating the software of MYOB. 

The emails pose a risk to unsuspecting recipients who may be tempted to click out of curiosity. Clicking the 'View Invoice' button provides a link to a malicious payload.  


Adding to the likelihood that some recipients will fall for the scam, the well-formatted fraudulent emails look like a legitimate invoice from a company using MYOB software. 

The emails which claim to be from 'HMS Group Pty Limited' are actually from a compromised MailChimp account, which may belong to a legitimate UK based business.

How can I protect myself from these types of email scams?

  • Check who it was sent by. Examine the sender or reply-to address and check that it hasn’t been sent from a similar, but recently-registered domain.
  • Be alert for strange sentence structure, or phrasing uncommon to the apparent sender.
  • Never sidestep formal processes for payments. If in doubt, ring the apparent sender. If they’re not available, wait until they are. A funds transfer is better to arrive later than to be lost without a trace to an overseas cybercriminal.
  • Implement scam-proof approvals processes for financial transfers such as two-factor authentication, which requires two employees to sign off on wire transfers
  • Education is imperative. Teach staff and employees what fraudulent emails look like. 
  • Ensure your email security is up to scratch. A cloud-based, threat detection service such as MailGuard will protect your staff in real-time from targeted attacks, without the dangerous time-lag common with signature-based antivirus vendors.


Click here to download your free executive guide, Surviving the Rise of Cybercrime, by MailGuard CEO and founder Craig McDonald.


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