30 October 2012 19:55:00 AEDT 1 MIN READ

New and inventive ways to prevent Facebook from harming your productivity

It's pretty easy to get distracted at work and Facebook is one of the biggest culprits. You can easily find yourself spending way too much time catching up on inane updates that have no bearing on your life, when in actual fact, you have no new notifications whatsoever.

Because of the endless time-wasting opportunities, smart people are coming up with new and inventive ways to prevent the Facebook effect. Facebook Nanny is a Chrome extension which blocks Facebook access unless you have new notifications or need to chat to someone.The intercepting message looks a little something like this...

If you don't want to block Facebook completely then Facebook Nanny is a good option so you can still get things done.

However, if things are getting out of hand at your office, you can choose to step things up and go all out by using our WebGuard web filtering service.

To ban or not ban social media is a contentious issue in the workplace today and it's been covered it before here and here. Celebrity businessman Theo Paphitis for example, advocates an all out ban.

It's such a contentious issue because if you ignore the now 1 billion users on Facebook, you miss out on a huge marketing potential. Social media has levelled the playing field and helped a number of SMBs connect directly with their customers.

If Facebook Nanny is too easy to bypass but a complete ban is counter-productive, you could always take the middle ground and choose to customise policies when Facebook is permitted. For example, you might want your marketing team to have access round the clock. Meanwhile the rest of your team might have access during lunch time and after hours. These can all be achieved using WebGuard.