You may have read headlines screaming 'AV is Dead!' It is anything but, according to CEO and Founder of MailGuard, Craig McDonald, who recently contributed to the inaugural podcast hosted by CMO at Zimbra, Olivier Thierry.
It is anything but, according to CEO and Founder of MailGuard, Craig McDonald, who recently contributed to the inaugural podcast hosted by CMO at Zimbra, Olivier Thierry.
In this first podcast, 'The Basics Still Matter in Email Security', Craig McDonald explains exactly why desktop or appliance AV still plays an important role in protecting businesses, but on its own is not enough. It all has to do with the fact that cyber criminals are continuing to attack businesses through multiple attack vectors, using more sophisticated methods to do so.
With more than one way to infiltrate a network, businesses are at risk from threats entering via corporate email, staff web browsing, USBs and personal webmail accounts such as Gmail, Hotmail or Yahoo.
This is exactly why businesses are not safe with only one form of protection, and why a multilayered approach is strongly recommended in order to protect businesses from threats such as fastbreak spam containing malware.
When you listen to this Zimbra podcast (or 'Zcast'), you will discover in detail:
- What fastbreak spam is and how difficult it is to block
- Some of the recent types of fastbreak spam containing malware affecting businesses
- How downloading malware can affect a business by infiltrating your business network
- What spear phishing is and why you should be concerned about this type of cyber attack
- What businesses can do to protect themselves from cyber criminals, and much more
Listen to the Zcast for FREE and in full right here:
Craig McDonald and MailGuard look forward to contributing to future podcasts with Zimbra.
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