Free email hosting sounds good, what is the true cost? Your personal information. Your security. Your business intelligence. Local jobs.Your privacy. More spam. Is it worth it?
HostedMail, developed by the team at Melbourne based cloud security company MailGuard, is taking on the online giants of email, Google and Microsoft in a bid to keep jobs local, and sensitive business information safe and secure.
Wholly Australian owned and operated, MailGuard is the world’s largest privately owned cloud email and web security provider. The MailGuard team is aiming to win market share on home turf with its new service HostedMail.
Founder and CEO Craig McDonald, says “We’ve been making a concerted effort at MailGuard to keep jobs here in Australia. The multinationals not only pose a risk to the local ICT job market but also to the security of the information being transferred internally and outbound from Australian businesses.”
Google recently came under fire for contesting a class action suit launched by users of their free Gmail service. The action aimed to prevent the search engine and online marketing giant from scanning users’ email traffic to create targeted advertising for Google’s media clients.
McDonald warns this type of advertising is one of the downsides of opting for a free service. “It’s free because they find their revenue elsewhere. Gmail strengthens Google’s core business of online advertising by gathering market data through email scanning. Here at MailGuard, we’re simply in the business of email security, offering a much safer choice and in the long run, one that’s more cost effective and productive for businesses,” says McDonald.
Customer support and product development is all based at MailGuard’s headquarters in Melbourne. More than 100 ICT professional jobs are expected to be generated by MailGuard’s HostedMail. In addition, local employment at partners and resellers of the system will be supported.
“We don’t scan emails for anything but spam and viruses, or protected information. This means our clients can rest assured their information remains their information and their business intelligence won’t fall into the wrong hands. I don’t believe that multinational vendors with vested interests elsewhere can provide that level of reassurance to Australian businesses,” concludes McDonald.
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