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How spam filtering fights email addiction in the workplace

Written by | 23 August 2012 15:09:00 Z


In just two decades, the role of email has changed radically from being the privilege of “special” people, to costing companies millions. We may feel we can keep it under control, but are we? As several key surveys have pointed out, the reality looks totally different.

The impact of email addiction

A study published by Dr. Thomas Jackson of Loughborough University—as quoted by The Guardian—found that “it takes on average 64 seconds to recover your train of thought after interruption by email.” The consequences are measured in millions of dollars: if employees check their email every five minutes, that’s about 8.5 hours per week just to figure out what they were doing just seconds before.

As you may already have experienced, inboxes are bombed by spam emails, which makes spam filtering a must-have option in an email solution. Considering that 95% of business emails are spam, each minute an employee spends on selecting spam emails and deleting them from their inbox is a waste of time. Also, email alerts contribute to email addiction, which also affects your business, as the aforementioned numbers clearly show.

How to minimise the impact of email addiction

There are a couple solutions for reducing email addiction among your employees, such as introducing a no-email day, or processing email in batches. However, as confirmed by companies using these methods, they fail when it comes to assuring productivity: they cause communication issues. Additionally, your employees end up with mail overload, which leads back to where you started.

How email security services can help

MailGuard is the email security system that can help your business grow by providing the best email solution, as well as providing an anti-spam gatekeeper and email filtering alternative.

With no hardware or software requirements needed, MailGuard is up and running, protecting your business and helping your employees focus on productivity the moment you sign up for a free trial. Since there is no technology to maintain, this means lower costs, while MailGuard quietly keeps spam email out of your inboxes.

MailGuard starts saving your employees’ time as soon as you have your account set up for free with our 14-day trial. That means no more time wasted deleting spam emails and spending valuable seconds recovering their earlier train of thought. With MailGuard, you receive only those emails that are important to your business. With this service, email can again prove its worth: the communication tool helping your business grow.

Stop wasting money due to spam emails and email addiction; request your MailGuard trial now! It’s free, and you’ll see the difference in just two short weeks!

Image courtesy of: cowbite